Did you know that Brazoria County Republican Party (BCRP) is funded solely by donations from local citizens and businesses?
In order to keep BCRP strong, growing, and electing Republicans to local office, BCRP relies solely on donations from local citizens and small businesses. These contributions will enable the BCRP operations to remain up and running and preparing to win the next election. Your donation contributes to our success!
If you want to make a donation at headquarters or events, click here.
You can provide an individual donation of any size using the online donation below or by sending a check payable to Brazoria County Republican Party. Directions for sending a check or donating an auction items can be found here.
Political advertisement paid for by Brazoria County Republican Party (BCRP; Brazoria GOP). Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Political contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Unless otherwise prohibited, your contribution will be deposited in either our federal or state bank accounts. Federal and state laws requires us to use our best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual.